

「ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の航海」参加ヒバクシャが、核兵器禁止条約(NWC)洋上会議の機会に、国連軍縮部のランディ・ライデル上席政務官を通じて、潘基文国連事務総長にあてて出した手紙の文面は以下の通りです。(上に日本語訳、下に英語)


はじめに、潘国連事務総長の核軍縮への献身的な努力に対し、深い尊敬と感謝の念をお伝えいたします。私たちは、国際NGOピースボートの「ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の航海」に参加しているヒバクシャ(原爆の生存者)です。私たちは今年4月16日に日本の横浜港を出航し、アジア、中東、ヨーロッパ、北欧を約850名の一般参加者とともに旅しながら、各地で原爆の恐ろしさを伝え、核廃絶が緊急に必要であることを訴えてきました。








ピースボート第3回「ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の航海」参加者一同


June 13, 2010

Dear Mr Ban Ki-Moon
Secretary General of the United Nations

May we extend our deepest respect and gratitude for your dedicated efforts for nuclear disarmament. We are group of Hibakusha – atomic bomb survivors – currently onboard the “Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World” organised by the international NGO Peace Boat. We departed from the port of Yokohama, Japan on April 16, and have since travelled together with 850 other participants to Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Scandinavia, telling people in all places we have visited of the horrors of the atomic bomb and the urgent need for nuclear abolition.

As well as conveying our own experiences, we have met with victims of war around the world, including victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin in Viet Nam, Palestinian refugees in Jordan, and holocaust survivors I Poland. After this experience, as Hibakusha, we were extremely shocked and saddened by the incident in which the flotilla carrying humanitarian aid for Gaza was attacked by the Israeli Defence Force, and ten activists were killed. The Israel-Palestine conflict is yet to be resolved, and Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons only endangers the potential of peace for the Middle East. We believe that it is now, more than ever, the time for you to clearly express the need for nuclear abolition, and take steps to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free and peaceful Middle East.

We have heard that you will be visiting Hiroshima on August 6 this year. As the Hibakusha are aging and our average age is now over 75, your visit to Hiroshima to hear our voices gives us great hope. As Hibakusha, we have for many years continued to maintain the goal of nuclear abolition being achieved within our lifetimes. However the nuclear-armed states, including the P5 and also India, Pakistan, Israel and the DPRK, are acting as obstacles to it. Yet now, the momentum for a nuclear-free world is gathering, as demonstrated by the US President Obama’s speech in Prague last year, and the results of the NPT Review Conference last month. Your visit to Hiroshima at this critical time is of great significance. We hope that upon this opportunity you will be able to strongly contribute to this global momentum, by moving your Five-Point Proposals forward, including generating the process for a Nuclear Weapons Convention.

We believe that cooperation and solidarity
with Hibakusha all over the world, including those from the Korean Peninsula and many other countries and regions, will play a vital role in the abolition of nuclear weapons. It is important for us to speak up not only as Hibakusha from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but together with victims of all stages of the nuclear fuel cycle from around the world. We call on the United Nations to take the initiative to convene a conference to enable Hibakusha around the world to gather and connect to work together in solidarity.

More efforts to understand the actual suffering of these Hibakusha today, particularly the effects on the human body, are required. Although the Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were examined by the US-Japan Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, the results of this research are even now not yet made fully public. We Hibakusha do not even know what is happening within our own bodies, and this lack of knowledge causes us further distress and pain. We ask that you make efforts for the the United States to make this information public, and to enable appropriate medical support and care. Furthermore, we hope that you will announce to the world the study how much radiation affects the human body, and to demonstrate the inhumane nature of nuclear weapons.

We have great expectations of your appeal to the world of the need for nuclear abolition from Hiroshima, 65 years since the atomic bombs were dropped. We hope that the citizens of the world can join together with the United Nations to abolish these inhumane nuclear weapons, and prevent war from ever happening again. We will continue our movement to encourage Japan to withdraw itself from under the US “nuclear umbrella” and take the lead in global efforts for nuclear abolition.

We are sincerely looking forward to seeing you in in Hiroshima this summer.

Kind regards,

3rd “Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World – Peace Boat Hibakusha Project” Participants



KAJIYAMA Takayoshi





YAGYU Kentaro


  1. グダンスク:つながりが社会を変える
  2. 広島で記者会見が行われました
  3. 第2回おりづるプロジェクトが帰航。記者会見を行いました!
  4. 本日14:30~、広島市長に帰国報告
  5. 田上長崎市長と面会、帰国報告をしました。
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