Express News Service
16 Aug 2010
2008年に始まり、これまでに120人のヒバクシャが証言をしながら世界を回っている「ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の船旅」の一環でオセアニック号で入港する。
佐藤さんは広島に原爆が落とされた時、14歳だった。神奈川県原爆被災者協会副会長を勤めている。出口さんは長崎に原爆が落とされた時、まだ9歳だった。長崎市が後援する長崎平和推進協会を通して定期的に証言している。入港の日、コーチン港のパレード・グラウンドでシーライン・サントス フットボールクラブとのサッカー親善試合もする予定。
Hiroshima, Nagasaki delegation to visit city
Express News Service
16 Aug 2010
KOCHI: A couple of survivors of the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will visit the city on Monday as a part of the Japanese NGO Peace Boat’s 70th global voyage for peace.
Known as ‘Hibakusha’, the survivors Yoshio Sato and Teruo Ideguchi will interact with the Kochi Mayor and the students of St Teresa’s College.
The duo, arriving onboard the cruise liner SS Oceanic along with other delegates, will share their experiences in line with the ‘Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World: Peace Boat Hibakusha Project’ launched in 2008. More than 120 Hibakusha have participated in the project so far.
Sato was 14 years old at the time of the Hiroshima carnage while Ideguchi was just nine years during the Nagasaki bombing. The former is the Kanagawa branch vice-president of the Japan Confederation of A and H-Bomb Sufferers’ Organisation while the latter regularly gives testimony with the Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace, supported by the City of Nagasaki. On the same day, a team of delegates will play an exhibition football match against the Sealine Santos Football Club at the Parade Ground in Fort Kochi.
A women’s team will clash with Santos’s junior team too. Club president V M Rinish will inaugurate the football exchange titled ‘Peace Ball’.
It will be the 12th time that a Peace Boat delegation is calling on Kochi. Other activities here under the cultural exchange programme include a study of the workings of the Kerala model, yoga and breathing classes, curry exchange, backwater cruises and short trips round the city. The voyage named ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’, sailed off from Tokyo on August 2.