


* The following report is from the blog of the city of Gonfreville in France, a member of “Mayors for Peace“.
(Click here to view the original article in French.)


日本のNGOピースボートの平和メッセンジャーたちは、寄港の一環として、アーフルールとゴンフルヴィール=ロールシェ市の学生たちと交流会を実施しました。ヒバクシャの方たちが自分の町に原爆が落とされた日の体験や 放射能の影響などを話し、心打たれる証言は学生たちに大きな衝撃を与えました。

As part of their visit, Peace messengers from Japanese NGO Peace Boat have met with students in the cities of Harfleur and Gonfreville l’Orcher. Several Hibakusha, or survivors from Hiroshima, have told the stories of what they experienced on the day the atomic bomb was dropped on their city and the consequences of the exposure to radiation. Their moving testimonies have had a strong impact on the students.

ピースボート ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の航海-frpb1

ラ・フォルジュ講堂にて感動的で忘れられない歴史の授業に参加しました。 フランスの教科書には1945年8月に米国に原爆を落とされた二つの都市、広島と長崎についてはほとんど書かれていないため、今回のヒバクシャの話を聞くことによって学生たちは第二次世界大戦のこの悲惨なエピソードのことを多く知ることができました。

On Friday afternoon, five classes of middle school students from Pablo-Picasso School in Harfleur and Gustave-Courbet in Gonfreville l’Orcher attended a moving and unforgettable history class in the La Forge auditorium. French schoolbooks rarely mention the two Japanese cities hit by the US atomic bomb in August 1945, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so meeting with A-bomb survivors, the students have been able to learn more about this tragic episode of World War Two.

ピースボート ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の航海

L’oiseau bonheur

Watch an exerpt of the anime here.


Before the testimonies started, the Japanese anime L’oiseau Bonheur was shown. The movie was inspired by the President of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Institute in France Miho Cibot-Shimma. L’Oiseau bonheur looks at the aftermath of the Hiroshima bombing through the eyes of a little girl preparing a school presentation on the August 6, 1945 bombing. At the Peace Museum, Tomoko discovers a statue dedicated to the children. This monument represents a bird and a young girl who magically comes to life and tells her story to Tomoko… Though she survived the direct impact of the bomb, Sadako died shortly after of the consequences of the bomb.

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Testimonies from the hibakusha


Eight Hibakusha were present at La Forge. In Japanese, Hibakusha refers to atomic bomb survivors who were hit by the deflagration, poisoned by radiation and subject to all kinds of diseases, and are yet ostracized by society. Two of them gave testimonies: Mihoka Hagino was two years old at the time, and was 4km away from the epicenter. “I don’t have any memories of August 6, 1945 as I was too young. My mother told me how I was playing in the garden when we saw an intense light and heard an enormously loud sound. The deflagration broke all the windows and my legs got cut by broken glass. My father always refused to speak of what happened and didn’t request to be listed as an A-bomb victim. Myself, I waited until he passed away – I was already 41 – to request such status as all the victims suffered from discrimination.


Mitsuo Kodama was 12 years old in 1945 and was at school, 800 meters away from the epicenter. He is somewhat of a miracle man. “I was lucky to be at the center of the classroom at that time, because all the students who were outside were burnt to death. Among the 320 students, we were only 19 survivors. I didn’t get hurt, but I vomited several times. I helped some friends and then I walked for 2km before falling unconscious. I saw a lot of dead bodies and people burnt asking for water. I managed to reach home at around midnight, after a 5km walk. I suffered from fever (42°c) for several days, my gums bled, there was blood in my urine and I had rashes all over my body. Throughout my life, I have developed many diseases; I had several cancers (skin, stomach, leukemia). I went through 12 surgeries. But I never gave up. I give testimonies and advocate for the abolition of nuclear weapons before they destroy humanity!”

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Students, like Coralie, Gwenaëlle and Laurene (3rd grade) were impressed by these testimonies: “We were moved by their stories. We are surprised to see with how much dignity they have when they share what they have been through. In two hours, we have learnt more than in a school year. We will spread around us what we have learnt about these tragic events. We need to fight against nuclear weapons to make sure such a catastrophe never occurs again.”

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After carefully listening to testimonies, students asked questions to Hibakusha.

ピースボート ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の航海-frpb5
Following the exchange with Hibakusha, some students wrote peace messages on Peace Boat’s banner against nuclear weapons.


  1. 情熱と音楽に酔いしれて in カラカス&ラグアイラ
  2. 中国や米国でも報道されています!
  3. 八幡照子さん、5月29日読売新聞「語りたい 伝えたい ヒロシマ」…
  4. ハワイイ~最後の寄港地にて~
  5. 英語で証言”世界に語り伝えたいヒロシマ”
  6. 横路衆議院議長との面会
  7. 第2回「ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の航海」の開催が決定しました!
  8. 非核特使と菅前首相面会が新聞で報道されました。


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