
第72回ピースボート帰航記者会見(4/18 横浜)のご案内



またこの船では、第4回「ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の航海」として、日本政府の「非核特使」である広島・長崎の被爆者ら9名が世界を回り「核なき世界」を訴えました。横浜~タヒチ間では、核実験被害者やウラン採掘被害者とともに「グローバル・ヒバクシャ・フォーラム」を開催し、世界の放射線被害者の連帯を訴えました。震災以後は、国連欧州本部で証言会を開催したスイス・ジュネーブをはじめ、各地で「原爆被爆者はフクシマをどう見るのか」を問われる旅となりました。革命直後のエジプトでは中東非核地帯化のための専門家会合を開催しました。


日時: 2011年4月18日(月)
船着岸 昼12時頃
午後2時~ 記者会見 (ターミナル内会議室)

場所: 横浜大さん橋国際客船ターミナル
(みなとみらい線 日本大通り駅より下車7分)http://www.osanbashi.com/

出席: ピースボート 吉岡達也、川崎哲(共同代表)ほか

第4回「ヒバクシャ地球一周 証言の航海」参加被爆者(9名)


備考: 船の舷門から参加者らが下船するのは午後1時頃を予定していますが、この下船風景の撮影を

Tel:03(3363)7561 Fax:03(3363)7562メール: pb.briefing@gmail.com

http://www.pbcruise.jp/report/72nd/ http://www.peaceboat.org/info/hibakusha/index.shtml


Press Conference: April 18, 2011

Peace Boat comes home with donation for quake victims,
as Hibakusha intensify nuclear free call

The 72nd Peace Boat Global Voyage for Peace, which which left Japan on January 23, 2011, will return to the port of Yokohama on Monday April 18, 2011.

The ship will return with funds that were collected by passengers during the Voyage in various ports of call around the world on behalf of those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake during the Voyage, as well as with thousands of handmade items donated by former tsunami victims of India to the people of Japan, and donations from NGOs in the Philippines.

Nine Hibakusha, survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who have been designated as Special Communicators for a World without Nuclear weapons by the Japanese government, will also return with the ship. During the voyage, they worked with Tahitian former nuclear-test-site workers and Australian Aborigines protesting against uranium mining. They recognized
themselves as Global Hibakusha—victims of radiation of the nuclear age–and called for a nuclear-free world in the testimonies they shared with people in approximately 20 ports of call around the world.

At the press conference detailed below, Peace Boat will give a summary of the activities and outcomes of the 72nd Voyage. The Hibakusha will also speak about their achievements and perspectives after speaking at the UN in Geneva, participating in a nuclear-free conference for experts in the Middle East,
and learning of the Fukushima nuclear crisis while away from home.

Date and Time: Monday, April 18, 2011
Ship’s ETA 1200hrs
- photo opportunity for ship’s arrival into port from 1130hrs
- ship will enter port with large banner of messages to support quake
Press conference to start from 1400hrs (Passenger Terminal Meeting Room)

Venue: Yokohama Osanbashi International Passenger Terminal

In attendance:
Yoshioka Tatsuya, Director of Peace Boat
9 Hibakusha Participating in Peace Boat’s “4th Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World”,
and others
Contact on the day of Press Conference:
090-9145-2864 (Watanabe Rika)

Note:Passengers are scheduled to disembark the ship from 1300hrs. Persons interested in taking photographs/videos of disembarking passengers at the gangway must apply for permission beforehand to terminal authorities. Please contact Rei Ueno of Peace Boat (see contact details above) by 12noon on Friday, April 15, 2011 regarding this permission if interested.

Please also visit: http://www.peaceboat.org/english/index.php?menu=71

Thank you.


  1. イスラエル派遣団、4名の被爆者をご紹介します!
  2. プロジェクトに関わる若者たち
  3. 船内の様子/美咲さんの日記から
  4. インドのコーチンにて①
  5. 「ヒバク」でつながるエジプト・カイロでの音楽交流
  6. 海の豊かさを守るために@ギリシャ
  7. おりづるプロジェクト2018 ヒバクシャ地球一周に参加する被爆者…
  8. ギリシャ大統領と面会、議会で演説!


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